Qualifications and Experience. Areas of expertise
John Aldis Valuer Ltd operates under a company structure and carries professional indemnity insurance. I have access to historical records and files from Peter Jackson Valuers Ltd, Gordon Jones and Trevor Croot all of whom have retired from valuation.
About John Aldis Valuer
1977 Started work as a valuer for Valuation New Zealand in Hamilton City.
Resigned 1981 to return to Dunedin.
1982-1987 Worked as residential real estate sales person in Dunedin City.
1987-1996 Worked as a valuer for Barlow and Justice in Dunedin City.
1996 Established business as sole practitioner.
Work Experience
For the past 30 years I have been engaged in valuing a very wide range of properties. The main work focus is on commercial, residential, and lifestyle properties. I have an ongoing involvement with specialist properties such as hotels, motels, rest homes, service stations.
This work not only involves valuation, but rental reviews, insurance work and advising on a range property matters.
My objective is to provide independent advice. My task is to identify the information required to assist with whatever real estate issue a client is dealing with.
A major source of my work over many years has been from solicitors.
Professional Development
I have been actively involved in the NZ Property Institute’s continuing professional development programme.
Institute Involvement
I have been a member of the NZ Property Institute’s committee and previously the NZ Institute of Valuer’s committee for approximately 20 years. I was previously involved with the Property and Land Economy Institute before amalgamation with the NZ Property Institute. I am a past chairman of The Otago Branch of NZ Property Institute.
Professional Qualifications
• Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce, Lincoln College – 1977
• Admitted as Member, NZ Institute of Valuers – 1978
• Post Graduate Diploma in Commerce, Lincoln University – 2002
• Advanced to Fellow, NZ Property Institute – 2004
• Advanced to Fellow, NZ Institute of Valuers – 2004